boone: five months


True to fashion, I'm almost two weeks late on this post which breaks my heart a little bit- I cannot believe this baby boy will be six weeks old so soon! Where has the time gone?! It seriously feels like I just had him and I wanna tear up thinking about the fact that he's already trying to crawl, started solids last night, and is growing like a (chubby) weed. We are completely smitten with Boone Thomas and can barely remember what life was like before he came along. I say it a lot but it's true- he is the sweet, most laid-back baby and brings so much joy into our lives. Time needs to slow down because I want to keep him this innocent age forever!

Things to remember:
-The biggest milestone to remember is that at 5 1/2 months (last night), Boone started solids for the first time! I had been putting it off even though I desperately have wanted him to sleep longer stretches at night (he wakes up every 2ish hours to eat and goes right back to sleep), but I didn't think he was ready for food yet and waited for the signs. The past few days, I noticed he was intently watching us eat and licking his lips like he was begging for some real food, so I made a trip to the grocery store and started him on oatmeal last night. I mix it with breastmilk and he LOVED it. He was actually grabbing the spoon and pulling it into his mouth! I also got some sweet potatoes, bananas, and carrots, and I have a feeling he'll like those as well.
-Boone is scooting around on his belly but not crawling just yet. If we lay him on a blanket on his back, he will end up several feet from where he started within a matter of minutes. He rolls onto his belly, turns, in circles, and finds ways to get to the toys around him. I have a feeling in a month or so we'll have a crawler.
-A certain little boy is VERY ticklish and it's the cutest thing ever. His laugh makes us all laugh and if you even touch his neck, he erupts into a fit of giggles.
-I don't know height and weight until his six month check-up in a few weeks, but I know he's still a big boy! More rolls than Mrs. Bairds and nursing every 2 hours or so.
-Except for the solids last night, Boone has been strictly breastfed thus far. We are lucky that nursing has worked for us and our little guy is a great eater! 
-Boone's new favorite thing is the Fisher Price walker with wheels- his feet can now touch the floor in it and he walks all around the living room. He can't go very fast yet but he loves being upright, and also is a new fan of the Bumbo.
-We have been on several road trips lately and Boone is a great traveler! Most recently we went to Hyatt Regency Lost Pines and Boone didn't cry a single time in three days- he was living his best  life like the rest of us (more from that trip soon!).


Off to Walmart because this crazy woman walked off and left her bags at the self check-out yesterday...blaming it on my #mombrain and hoping they can sort it out with surveillance videos. Please tell me I'm not the only one to do this?! What's more embarrassing is that it took me a full five hours to realize I'd left them. 
Happy Hump Day, friends!
xo, Britt