floral jumpsuit

jumpsuit | shoes | bag | earrings

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Just checking in to say HELLO to each of you and that I hope you had a wonderful weekend! I'm so thrown off on days since we took a trip last week and got in on Thursday evening- all day Friday I thought it was Monday so today feels like a Thursday to me. Between the move, craziness of work, and Bear starting school next week, our life is a mess currently but we are hoping to get into some kind of a routine soon. Right now, Bear is with his babysitter at the waterpark and Boone is sitting beside me in his rocker, fighting a nap and not sure what to think because we've been home for longer than 30 minutes during the daytime. Little guy is used to being on the go because that's all we've done this past 5 months! Luckily he's a laid back baby and is totally happy going with the flow.

I wanted to share this jumpsuit while we still have a month and a half of summer left (or 5 more months of it in Houston)- it is so comfy, flattering on all shapes, and from one of my new favorite online boutiques, Hello Beautiful Clothing Co. I love the message of the boutique- that women are beautifully made (Psalm 139:14) and clothing just highlights what's already beautiful. All too often I find myself searching for clothing that covers certain flaws I'm not proud of but at the end of the day, this is what God gave me and for that, I should be content in my own skin. I love boutiques that offer a range of sizes and emphasize being comfortable in our own skin, which evokes confidence, self-esteem, and overall happiness. Such a powerful thing we as women should support and encourage one another about!

The Geek Squad from Best Buy just left so after almost two weeks, we finally have TV in our house. What's funny is we really haven't even missed it- I think it was actually good for us to have a break from it (even though we've still had a computer and phones so we weren't totally without technology!). Now that I'm about to dive into the world of Netflix for the first time ever (that's right- first timer! We've only had cable until now), tell me all of your recommendations please! If you need me, I'll be binge watching shows for the next two weeks to make up for lost time. And to put off unpacking all 87 boxes still sitting in our living room.
Sending you big hugs as you start a new week!
xo, Britt