thrive drip spa

Last week, I had the opportunity to try out the stunning ThrIVe Drip Spa in The Woodlands for the first time and after posting about it on Instagram stories, received so many questions that I wanted to share more information here! I had heard about drip spas in the past but was always a little skeptical to try one since IV’s make me nervous. I had a lot of questions:
Does a real certified nurse administer the IV? The answer is yes!
Does it hurt? Not at all.
Do you feel better afterward? SO much so, I couldn’t believe it.
Answering more of your questions and what exactly ThrIVe Drip Spa is below!

Let’s talk first about WHY an IV drip is something one would need on a regular basis.
So many of us don’t realize that we are dehydrated, which is causing low levels in energy, ability to focus, overall mood, digestion, and so much more. Dehydration occurs when you’ve lost too much water in your body without replacing it, preventing your body from performing at its best. Once the water in your body is reduced, it needs to be replaced which is where ThrIVe Drip Spa comes in. You can go in anytime for a one time drip (walk-ins welcome), but as with most things it’s wise to stay on top of your health and wellness. I’m hoping to make ThrIVe Drip Spa a regular stop because I couldn’t believe how much better I felt after my drip last week. Within an hour I already felt so much more energized, and my skin has felt better/clearer ever since. That was the biggest surprise for me- I didn’t realize how much my dehydration was affecting my skin.

How long does it take?
Not long at all- max, 45 minutes to get a full drip. Apparently my body was really thirsty, because it downed that bag in under 15 minutes. I was in and out quickly on my lunch break!

Is it a one drip fits all?
Nope, you can completely customize your own drip for your personal needs. Everyone has their own specific nutrient requirements which is why Thrive lets you choose what you’d like to give your body through the IV. My girlfriends and I chose pretty much everything on the menu to help with energy, metabolism, skin, and more. You can create your own or go with a standard drip option which includes: Hydrate Drip, Fit Drip, Slim Drip, Beauty Drip, Meyers Drip, Detox Drip, & Party Drip.

What’s that big machine?
That would be for Cryotherapy, which is the local or general exposure of the body to subzero temperatures to promote multiple health benefits. It boosts your energy, improves muscle recovery, and burns over 800 calories in one session. The owner told me that the only other place that has this in all of Houston is the pro athlete teams like the Texans, so it’s pretty cool that we can have the same benefits right here in The Woodlands.

Where’s it located?
Right by Market Street in The Woodlands, in the same parking lot as HEB. Very conveniently located on Lake Woodlands Drive.

How often should I go?
Most people get 1-2 IV’s per week, or do a minimum of 10 Cryotherapy sessions within a 2-3 week period. Of course I’d recommend visiting ThrIVe to try it out first and chances are you’ll experience what I did and want to get back soon!

Is this a new business?
The Woodlands is the third location for ThrIVe- they first opened in New York City, Memorial Park area of Houston, and now The Woodlands as of June.

Do you have a discount code?
Yes! Just mention my name when you go to ThrIVE and receive any premium drip for $90.

I honestly still can’t believe how much better I felt and that I actually enjoyed an IV experience- I’ve always been the person at the doctor who cringes when it’s time for an IV. The nurse at ThrIVe was so good- I barely felt the smallest prick and after that, nothing. It didn’t hurt when he took it out either and I had no bruising. The two girls with me, Shelbi and Sara, experienced the same. We also got a B12 shot which probably contributed to our energy after, as well.

I was concerned whether or not I could get an IV like this while breastfeeding, but it turns out it’s only beneficial as it’s like a prenatal vitamin on steroids (joking of course, but you know what I mean). It provides Boone with so many nutrients and actually increased my milk supply! So mamas that struggle with keeping up milk supply, I’d recommend getting regular drips while you’re nursing- it not only helps with your own exhaustion and energy levels, but is also great for baby.

If you have any other questions about ThrIVe and what they offer, I’m happy to answer in the comments.
Happy Hump Day, friends!
xo, Britt

*Thank you to ThrIVe Drip Spa for sponsoring this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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