tips for getting back into a routine

dress | boots | bag

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Happy Friday, friends! Does this week feel like it flew by for you, too? I think that between Bear starting school on Tuesday this week and the holidays coming to a close, it’s been hard to keep track of days but we finally feel back in a routine of sorts. This can be a challenge for me after the holidays- I always want to ride out those Christmasy vibes as long as possible and avoid adult responsibilities like bills and work that take a short break at the end of December. It doesn’t last forever, unfortunately, so I have a few ways of getting back in the swing of things.

1. Tackle emails. This doesn’t apply to everyone, I know, but for most of us emails pile up during the holidays. It feels so good to take a few hours to sit down and answer them all. I always do this first thing in the morning with a cup (or three ) of coffee so I start the day on a productive note.

2. Drink lots of water. Chances are you indulged a bit over the holidays- I know I definitely did! Often we don’t drink enough fluids (or the right kind of fluids) which effects everything from our skin to our mood. Hydrating can really help with energy levels needed for waking up early again.

3. Buy a new planner (and use it!). I am a planner junkie- I’m “old school” as my friends like to say and have to write everything down by hand. I usually buy 3 or 4 planners at the end of every year before I decide on one that I love. This year, I’ve ended up with one from Target (May Designs for Blue Sky) and I’m loving it so far! It’s simple but just what I need. It always helps me to sit down after the holidays and write down everything we have going on the next couple of months- this gets my mind in a productive place and helps me feel more organized.

4. Prioritize sleep. This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s too important to leave off. I wish sleep came easier for me right now but Boonester isn’t the best sleeper just yet (fingers crossed this changes soon). I’m always exhausted from traveling after the holidays and I feel so much better and able to tackle tasks when I’ve made a point of going to bed early so I can start each new day not as exhausted.

5. See friends who motivate you. One of my favorite things to do at the beginning of each new year is plan a coffee date the second week in January. The past few years it was with several mamas who inspire me, and yesterday I had one with Shelbi to discuss our goals and plans for 2019. It’s such a great way to bounce ideas off of one another and inspire each other for a successful year. Of course it’s a bonus that we get to catch up and exchange funny family Christmas stories. I look forward to this each January, especially because I miss seeing friends over the holidays!

What are some ways you get back into the swing of things this time of year? I’d love to hear! Have a wonderful weekend!
xo, Britt