new year, new do

sweater | similar skirt | boots | bag

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I did a thing, y’all! I’m not sure exactly how many inches are gone but my hair feels so much lighter and healthier. It’s been around 8 years since I had my hair this short so it’s been a long time coming. I just felt like it was time to cut the damaged ends off and have a fresh new cut with the new year. I saw Christi at Estilo Salon here in Houston and she was amazing- I can’t say enough good things! I showed her a picture of Jenna Tatum (#goals), told her I wanted a lob, and she took care of the rest. Estilo offered to do color if I wanted, as well, but I’ve decided to stop the balayage and get back to my normal color so we just did a cut.

I’ve never been one to put much thought into hair cuts or styles; my hair grows really fast (it will be “long” again by the summer if I don’t trim!) and I like to make these decisions on a whim. Are you similar or do you put a lot of thought into changes like hair/beauty/etc.?

Keeping this short and sweet because our playroom looks like a bomb went off and I have exactly one hour to make a dent in it before we pick up Bear from school. How is it already Wednesday?! This week is flying by!
xo, Britt