boone: ten months

I’m pretty sure I was just writing a nine month update a couple days ago…how has another month already passed? I guess it’s true that time flies when you’re having fun, and we have LOTS of fun with this sweet boy! Boone is a happy, laid-back baby who adores his brother, spinach ravioli, and bath time. I’m in denial that he will be ONE next month (he technically turned 10 months on December 24th) and need to start party planning. If you have any cute theme ideas, please let me know! In the meantime I’ll be over here trying to slow down time.

Things to remember:
-Boone is a busy boy and loves to meddle in things, especially the pantry. I have been working on organizing it for the past week and the bottom two shelves are hopeless with the Boonester on the loose.
-Boone likes almost any food we give him, with his current favorite being the Gerber past meals (turkey+spinach ravioli are his jam).
-He is still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day and a couple of times during the night. He definitely likes to eat! He hasn’t ever taken a bottle but when he’s able to drink regular milk at a year, we will give him that in a sippy cup (which he loves drinking water out of).
-Boone is still obsessed with Bear and thinks he’s hilarious. Every day when we pick Bear up from school, Boone start talking and laughing the minute Bear gets in the car. It’s so cute and makes my mama heart happy. Bear loves his baby brother, too!
-We are still co-sleeping but I’m finally considering moving Boone into his crib. I go back and forth on this and have reasons for wanting both, so we shall see. I do love snuggling with him and even though Bear co-slept until age 4, he’s a great sleeper and the transition to a big boy bed was easy.
-Boone is in size 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
-He officially has 2 top teeth as of last week! Teething has been rough for our little guy- I didn’t think that second top tooth was ever going to break through. Hopefully the worst of it is over. He hasn’t drooled much at all surprisingly but runs a low grade fever, is fussy, and just doesn’t like cutting teeth. Understandable and must get his pain tolerance from his Mommy.
-Boone had such a special first Christmas and Santa was very good to him! And speaking of Christmas, I’m aware that Boone is in holiday diapers in these pictures (and no, these are not old pictures- they were taken yesterday). Second child problems. But he doesn’t seem to mind!

I am so excited that it’s Friday and ready for a low-key yet productive weekend. We don’t have any big plans but I have a few house projects I want to tackle and need to make a trip to The Container Store. I’m trying to keep myself off Pinterest so I won’t go too crazy with organizing but something about a new year makes me want to purge/clean out all the things. Anyone else?
We finally have living room furniture that I will be showing y’all soon. It’s nice to finally watch TV on a couch and not the floor! I see lots of snuggles in that spot with the boys in my future.
Have the best weekend!
xo, Britt