hey, it's okay...

With 2020 so full of uncertainty and craziness, sometimes we need little reminders to cut ourselves some slack. That we will all get through this together.

dress | shoes | bag | necklace | sunglasses

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

So just know that it’s okay…

To eat cereal for supper. Even Cinnamon Toast Crunch instead of Rasin Bran.

To not finish the book. Sometimes you’re just not feeling the plot. Life’s too short to waste your time on something that doesn’t capture your interest.

If you slept in way too late….three days in a row. This year is whack; cut yourself some slack (a rhyme we could all live by right now).

To have a To Do list that never seems to get done.

For your closets to be a mess. Nobody really sees it anyway, right?

To be “in a rut”. Some of us thrive on routine and doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate spontaneity.

If you have anxiety. It’s normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

To be a dreamer. More than ever this year, it’s important to never stop dreaming about better times ahead.

To keep political matters off social media.

If you feel like you’re “behind”. You’re not. Go at your own pace and enjoy the ride.

If you like animals more than humans.

To not have a green thumb. That’s why they make faux plants (and why I buy them).

To forget someone’s name you just met. For the third time.

To forget what day it is. 2020 feels like the Twilight Zone.

If you never actually make anything you pin on Pinterest.

If you’re watching more TV than normal. Netflix is life.

To order pizza twice in one week.

To be stressed. Just know that everything is going to be okay, no matter how hard that may be to see right now.

xo, Britt