ways to stay active during the pandemic

Those who know me well know that I’m not into working out. I know, I know- it’s great for you. I am well aware of the benefits exercise has on the body and I fully support those who choose to join a gym, attend Orange Theory classes, etc. Lots of my friends and family do and I think it’s amazing. At this point in my life, gyms or organized classes just aren’t for me. I do, however, still make an effort to live an active lifestyle as much as possible. I just like to be active in such a way that it doesn’t actually feel like I’m working out. Do you know what I mean? Some days, it just doesn’t happen. I give myself grace, as we all should. It’s also harder than ever for parents, during this pandemic, to find time to be active. If we get creative and use what resources we do have, there’s still lots of exercise to be had. And if we get creative, we might even learn some new healthy activities we love along the way.

leggings | bralette | sneakers | sunglasses

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

Ways to Stay Active:
If you’re helping to educate your child at home, make sure and have recesses throughout the day. Not only is this much needed for kids, but it’s great for us as parents to join in on the fun. These active breaks will help your child get out some pent-up energy, stay physically healthy and refresh both of your focus to continue the academic work.

Many online websites and apps are offering free workouts as are many gyms in support of their patrons. Again, this isn’t really my thing. But if it’s yours, definitely take advantage of these free resources!

Schedule time for physical activity. Even though life has slowed down for a lot of us the last 4 months, we still tend to only get done what we schedule. Set aside time to do physical activities that you enjoy, like a 30 minute evening bike ride or an hour hike at the nature preserve.

If you’re accustomed to working out in a group, stick with it virtually. Zoom has blown up the last 4 months and it’s a great way to keep accountability with work-out buddies. FaceTime is also a great way to work out with those you enjoy doing it with, even from afar.

Try something new. Now is the perfect time to tap into a new physical activity or exercise you’ve been wanting to try. For me, that’s yoga. I’ve done it a few times, but never anything serious and I have been saying for over a year I will try it. I plan to start my youtube yoga experience this weekend. Since I don’t enjoy vigorous work-outs but love the mental benefits of exercise, I feel like yoga is a great way to strengthen my body physically while also challenging me mentally. I’ll keep y’all posted!

Make it a family affair. We’ve started playing tag in the backyard some evenings and the boys love it. It gets us all moving and we have lots of laughs in the process. If you can access a park and still social distance, that’s even better. Getting outside is fundamental for mental health and further increases the mood-lifting benefits of movement.

Break up sitting. We’re all pretty sedentary these days, especially with working from home, so it’s really important to take short breaks throughout the day to move. Even if it’s just a ten minute walk around the block or 50 jumping jacks, getting your heart pumping will help you focus on work and you won’t feel so sluggish.

What are you doing to stay active these days? I know a lot of gyms have reopened, so maybe you’re carefully getting back into your normal work-out routine. Either way, drink lots of water as it’s HOT (at least in Houston) right now! I don’t know about y’all, but I am very ready for some fall weather. A girl can dream.
xo, Britt