5 things I'm loving

dress | bag | shoes | sunglasses | necklace

photo by Ban Avenue Photography

Happy Friday, friends! I hope you’ve all had a good week and managed to stay cool. It is HOT in Houston, Texas so we’ve been laying low in the AC. I wanted to share 5 things I’m loving lately, all random, but I don’t have anything exciting to talk about so here we are.

5 things I’m loving lately:
1. This bag on sale. I have a similar one that I love and I can’t believe this price! Especially with 5 star reviews and Prime shipping.
2. Snow cones with ice cream. I did not even know this was a thing until a couple of years ago, and now I need every snow cone to have ice cream in it. What’s your favorite flavor? I love piña colada, wedding cake, or anything over-the-top sweet.
3. Anything yellow. Normally a color you won’t find in my closet, I’m now gravitating toward pieces in this happy hue. Maybe it’s this year and how blah 2020 has been that’s made me appreciate some sunny vibes.
4. Mango Passion Tea Lemonade from Chick Fil A. If you’ve tried it, you know. If you haven’t, you need to get in your car and drive there now. You can thank me later.
5. Riverdale on Netflix. I’m deep into season 3 and can’t stop watching. I normally wouldn’t like a show that has so many dark parts (it gets intense), but I love the characters and the acting is fantastic.

Hope you have a great weekend! We have zero plans and while we’ve gotten used to that, I really don’t mind it.
xo, Britt