casual back to school under $20

It’s finally that time for us; Bear starts back to school in just a few days. I can’t believe it! This summer truly flew by. Bear’s school is starting with virtual learning for everyone, so we’ll be kicking it at home for a bit longer. Now that Boone is 2.5, I plan to start teaching him a little at home, too. Regardless of in person or at home learning, my boys like to be comfortable always. I sought out to find some of the best deals on casual wear for kids and linked a bunch under $20 at the end of this post, all from Walmart.

No matter how back to school looks for your family this year, Walmart as everything you could need. I found Bear and Boone 6 piece activewear sets (2 tops, 2 shorts, 2 joggers) on sale for $32! It has 5 star reviews and the quality is amazing. I love that the boys can wear matching/coordinating clothes, even with their age difference. We stocked up on shoes for their ever-growing feet, as well. Is it normal for boys to outgrow shoes almost monthly? Because ours grow like weeds! Bear and I can already share shoes and he’s 7. Love my sweet, growing boys!

Bear’s outfit (set of 6 pieces for $32) | shoes | smart watch
Boone’s outfit (set of 6 pieces for $32) | shoes
my biker shorts | sports bra | sunglasses

I talked about ways to stay active during the pandemic here and plan to implement a lot of those same methods while doing remote learning. Studies show that kids need at least an hour of physical activity daily, and it’s so important for us all to get outside and get some Vitamin B. The boys seem genuinely happier when we get outside and move our bodies instead of staying in the house all day, so we try to get creative with ways we can be active and socially distance at the same time. Bear and Boone think they’re legit track stars when we go to the track, and we usually have it to ourselves in the evening, so it’s a fun family outing for us and way to burn off energy at the end of the day.

A few other things we plan to do for P.E. at home:
Scavenger hunts- The boys LOVE these. This is a great one if it’s rainy and we can’t get outside, we just hunt around the house. We choose items that Boone can help find, like: something blue, something squishy, something you eat.
Host our own Olympic Games- Just because the 2020 Summer Olympics is postponed doesn’t mean we can’t have our own version! We ordered these prize medals from Walmart and plan to do some at-home, kid-friendly events like an egg race, balancing a cup full of water, a water balloon toss, frisbee throwing contest, dance-off and more.
Obstacle course- This is an easy one to set up inside or in the yard. Use cardboard boxes, pillows, inflatable swimming pools, sprinklers, etc. to make it lots of fun. Setting it all up is half the exercise; have the kids help so they can be proud of their creation.


I’m not sure how ready I am to play teacher again, but ready or not, here we go. Wish us luck! And thinking of all you parents and your kids right now, because back to school is looking different for all of us this year. We will get through this. I keep reminding myself that kids are resilient and we can learn a lot from them, too.
xo, Britt