dreaming of sunshine


photos by Ban Avenue Photography

I hope you’re all staying safe and warm during this wild week of weather. I know it’s been such a hard week for people all over the country, specifically Texas, and so many have suffered due to a lack of heat/water/power. I’m praying for all affected by these storms and everyone who is working so diligently to restore power, provide help to those in need, etc. Everyone please be safe and stay warm. I’ve been sharing resources on Instagram stories such as warming stations for those in need, and ways to donate if anyone is able. It’s always amazing to see our great state come together in times of need.

We’ve been fortunate to stay home and have been without power and water quite a bit, but we’ve managed to stay warm enough with our fireplace and could still use our gas stove to heat food/water. When our power goes out, we also lose all cell service and internet, so for several days we had no idea how many others across the state were in the same boat as us. Our power has been on for about 17 hours straight now, and we know we’re some of the lucky ones. If you’re local and need help in any way, please reach out to me at thehellohoneyblog@gmail.com.

I think we’re all dreaming of warmer weather right now; tropical vacays are sounding pretty nice at the moment. I wanted to share one of my favorite spring looks (the dress is sold out online but still in Target stores for around $20) for when we can finally lose the parkas. I’ve been wearing florals more lately than normal, I think because they’ve made a big comeback for spring. 90’s style is trending, so small floral print is everywhere. Are you a fan of 90’s style or nah? Some of it I love, a lot of it I don’t. As long as low-waisted jeans don’t make a come-back, we’re good.

xo, Britt