momma & mini

photos by Diamond Oak Photography

How's that last picture for a realistic portrayal of Bear's thoughts on this photo session? He was definitely more into playing with his Angry Bird, though he did give Aimey a couple smiles. We couldn't bribe him with snacks because we'd just had a yummy brunch at Levure Bakery; I'm already anxious to go back!

Let's have some real talk. This momma typically does not spend $80 on a dress. A comfy pair of sweatpants? Maybe, because no doubt I'll be getting my money's worth out of those. But most of the dresses in my closet are only worn a couple times a year, and are out of style within 3-5 years. You're smart and can do the math...that's not a lot of wear. When I saw this dress at Nordstrom, though, I had to have it. It was like that last cookie in the jar; you know you might not need it but the temptation is just too much. Emerald green, bell sleeve, and unbelievably comfortable? Yes please, I'll take it. When I tried it on in the store, the lady helping me said the dress looked very Mad Men-esque. So I did my best Joan and shuffled over to the check-out line. I've since snapped out of it, don't worry.

Hope you've had a great weekend! Cheers to a new week and the beginning of October!
xo, Britt