fall accessories & bucket list

Pretty safe to say I'm obsessed with each and every one of these accessories. The felt hat is just $15; I have it and can't wear it enough. I'm also crushing on the leopard clutch, and belt, and basically everything leopard print. It can definitely be overdone, but subtle touches can really make an outfit; I especially love the print paired with wine & emerald. Everything is linked in the carousel above!

And now onto arguably more important things... our fall bucket list! 

I cannot WAIT to do each and every item on this list. I can already cross off "eat pumpkin pie"...like 9 times over. I can't help it, y'all...pumpkin pie is like crack for me. I ate it so much when I was pregnant with Bear; it's no wonder he came out a chubby little punkin. :)
What do you have planned for this fall? What are some of your family traditions?

Our street always does the BOO'ing during October and it's a lot of fun. If your neighborhood doesn't already do it, you should get it going! Basically it starts with one house getting together two baskets, bags, or buckets full of Halloween treats (can be candy, décor, goodies from Dollar Tree, etc). The baskets are then left on two different neighborhood doorsteps with a note that says something like "You've been BOOed" and has instructions to make two copies of the note and do the same to two other neighbors, leaving the original note taped to your door so others will know you've already been BOO'ed. Kids always seem to enjoy it and it's neat to see how it takes off; people around here really get into the BOO'ing and I'm hoping Bear will love it this year. That or he'll cry when we have to leave candy on someone else's doorstep.

Thanks for reading!
xo, Britt