
similar dress | sandals | earrings
on Bear: shorts | shirt | bow tie | shoes


I read a lot of blogs, and too often I catch myself comparing my real life to the "highlight reel" of others'. "Susie Q has got her sh*t together! I'm still in pajamas at 4pm" and "There's no way she actually does all that, takes care of four kids, and sleeps. She doesn't sleep" have crossed my mind on more than one occasion. It's laughable that I would imply that my own life is seemingly perfect, as it is so obviously not, but I want to set the record straight about a few things. You know, keep it real.

I Photoshop to death. Oh you saw me at the mall yesterday and I have 4,038 more freckles than it looks like in pictures? Or my teeth weren't sparkly white? Or Bear had 14 scratches and bruises on his little dare-devil legs? The secret's out; I'm a Photoshoppin' fool. Sometimes I get lazy and don't do too much in the way of "flaw fixing", but I always whiten our teeth. Always.

I have marathon outfit-shooting sessions. Believe it or not, I do not fix my hair and put on make-up every day. Some days, like today actually, I wear sweats and rock the homeless look. I shoot outfits with Aimey of Diamond Oak Photography, and usually we'll knock out at least three outfits in one session. I also meet up with other blogger friends for lunch and we'll take outfit photos of each other afterwards; my friend DeDe and I have been known to shoot 3-4 outfits apiece in under an hour. Then I drive straight home and put on yoga pants and a t-shirt.

I'm not a party-girl. Though it can appear that bloggers live this lavish, socialite lifestyle, we are typically not party animals. Most of us are moms, work full-time jobs on top of blogging, and are in bed by 10pm most nights. We do attend quite a few events, but they're usually held in the afternoon or early evening and we consider this "part of the job". Networking is really important in the world of blogging, and it's a win/win for everyone to support one another. If I'm seen with a drink in my hand, there's a good chance I took a sip and carried it around just to have something to keep me from making awkward hand gestures. Not a big drinker; in fact Zach and I rarely drink anything but Diet Coke. I do, however, know how to have a good time. :)

I do get a lot of freebies. Though Zach never questions my shopping habits (thank the Lord), I'm actually a big-time bargain shopper. And through blogging, Bear and I both receive lots of free clothes/accessories/home goods in exchange for reviews and social media shares. So while I do love to shop, there's no way I'd be buying a new outfit for every day of the week. A big thank you to the shops that make it seem that way!

I am technologically challenged. I've talked about this before, but you guys have no idea. It's for real embarrassing. My sweet friend Sarah does all of my blog design (highly recommend her!) because I could not begin to do it myself. I think there's a common misconception that bloggers are techie wizards that can spit code and master SEO in their sleep. Maybe that's true for most, but certainly not myself. Pretty sure I'm more in line with my grandmothers' generation when it comes to computer knowledge. But hey, I can navigate Facebook and Youtube like a champ. So that's something.

I could go on and on with the confessions, but I think y'all get the point. Our family is probably just like yours. We're no strangers to eating cereal for supper, never leaving the house on a Saturday, and wasting our earnings on Powerball tickets. I still sleep in retainers, and Bear is still not 100% potty trained. We live life one day at a time, with a lot of help from each other (and Photoshop). This blog truly is our highlight reel, as there's a good chance you wouldn't be interested in our trips to Walmart or the pigsty that is Bear's closet at the moment. So the next time you think "They've got their sh*t together", you'll know that we really don't. Or maybe you never thought that, and now you're laughing that I still wear retainers. Either way, we're glad you read Hello Honey and share in our imperfect journey. And by we I mean me, because Zach and Bear couldn't care less (still just keepin' it real). Sending virtual hugs to each of you!

xo, Britt