chocolate chip reese's brownies

Last week, I got the itch to bake something yummy and Zach requested brownies. I wanted to go all kinds of crazy and add random ingredients and throw in sprinkles and put Peeps on top, but unfortunately that isn't what Zach had in mind. He was craving something rich but simple, without a bunch of crunchy candy or sprinkles. So I combined his three favorite things: chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and Reese's cups. Not the most original, but still delicious. And amazing served warm with ice cream. 

 I took these pictures about five minutes after the "brookies" came out of the oven, but the cookie dough did firm up after a couple hours and the Reese's weren't runny then either. I have to say though, I kind of loved them more this way. All melty and gooey and oh-so-chocolatey.

You all know by now that I like to take short-cuts, so naturally these are ridiculously easy to make. Zach prefers Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to my from scratch-cookie dough, so we rolled with that. 

You start by mixing up a box of brownie mix and baking it in a 9x9 inch pan for about 20 minutes. It should still be a little goey and under-cooked when you pull it out of the oven. Layer Reese's Peanut Butter Cups across the brownies, pushing each one down until the top is the only part showing (I had to overlap some of mine).

Crumble desired amount of cookie dough (I used about half of a large roll) on top of brownies and bake for 15 minutes or until the cookie top has slightly browned.

It should look similar to this when you pull the pan out of the oven. If you have patience, let them cool and set for a bit. If you don't, grab a fork and go to town (we totally did).

1 box brownies
1 pkg. Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
approx. 16 Reese's cups

Mix brownies according to directions on box. Bake for 20 minutes.
Put a single layer of Reese's cups on top of the brownies, pushing them down into the batter.
Crumble 1/2 large package of Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough over the Reese's.
Bake for 15 minutes or until cookies have browned on top.

I'm salivating looking at these pictures and we just had a huge dinner at Gringo's (for the second time this week). My sweet tooth is a serious problem. Why can't I crave fruit or yogurt or something healthy? But then my dentist wouldn't live in that mansion or drive that Ferrari, so at least my addiction is benefiting someone. Makes me feel so much better.

Hope you have an amazing weekend!
xo, Britt