tuesdays together

One of my very favorite things about blogging is the community of creatives I get to meet and befriend. Houston has so many talented individuals and it's inspiring when a group of likeminded people get together in one room to share ideas. It's amazing what we learn from one another while chugging coffee and randomly checking Instagram. I am a proud member of The Rising Tide Society and had so much fun at the last Tuesdays Together meeting that I wanted to share it with y'all!

photography by Christi Minter 
similar shirt | jeans | boots | necklace

Let me first clarify that we totally did not plan that Hunter rainboot picture; when I picked my friend Dede up that morning, we laughed that we both wore our red Hunters. Houston gals are no stranger to rain boots. Or humidity.

Tuesdays Together are held on the second Tuesday of every month, and are basically gatherings for small business owners who have a desire to share knowledge and learn from others within the group. At this particular meeting, Meredith of Cake & Confetti and Jessica of Weddings by Jessee led the group in conversation about finances for small businesses. The meet-up was extremely informative, not to mention fun, and I can't wait to attend the next one! Find a Tuesdays Together group near you here.

I should clarify that this post is in no way sponsored by The Rising Tide Society, I just love the group's mission that much and want to share it with all of you.

Also, a big thank you to all of you who messaged, texted, and emailed about yesterday's post. I heard so many inspiring stories and feel more encouraged than ever to support other women in this crazy journey known as life. You are each amazing and remind me all the time just how wonderful this crazy life truly is. So thank you.

xo, Britt