real talk: babies

similar top | jeans | pumps | similar bag | watch | bracelet | necklace (on sale!) | lip color

These pictures were taken several weeks ago while on lunch break at the Thrive Blog Conference. Yes, I'm just now getting around to posting them. Things have been super busy around here and there are some exciting posts coming very soon! I carried my business cards during the conference in this little pouch from T.J. Maxx; they have a ton of them right now if you've been searching for something similar. Also great for lipstick, pills, cigarettes, etc. JUST KIDDING MOM, I do not smoke. But if I did I would totally keep my cigs in this cute case.

 Disclaimer to my playgroup friends: I am not pregnant. I know my posts always throw y'all off but rest assured, this is going in a (slightly) different direction.

I'm not sure why this subject has been heavy on my heart lately, but I'm gonna dig a little deeper than the usual cheery randomness to discuss something that I feel isn't shared enough. Something that has affected me personally, but also cuts much deeper in other women. 

Please, don't ask me when I'm going to have another baby.

Don't ask my one of my best friends who's been trying for two years when she's going to finally have a baby. Chances are she'll smile and have some "hopefully soon" type of answer, but when you walk away she'll feel the tears start to fall.

Don't ask the mom who has three boys when she's going to try for a girl. 

Please, just don't.

It's not that I have had infertility struggles, because Zach and I have been fortunate enough to not experience that heartache. I'm not having another baby yet because we're simply not ready. We're happy and content with our family, and we're loving these days of soaking up Bear and Bear alone. Yes, we want to expand our family. But when it happens it will be in God's time, and we aren't rushing it. I can't begin to tell you how many times I get asked when we're having another baby. All. the. time. It's gotten to where I feel embarrassed or like I should have a solid excuse, and maybe even pretend that we are currently trying. People will even add guilt-loaded comments like, "Poor Bear just really needs a playmate" or "Bear would be happier if he had a little sister at home". To the random lady in our neighborhood that I've only met twice while walking: Bear is perfectly happy getting all of our attention. Of course he will love and adore a sibling. But he is a happy little boy either way. And frankly, it's none of your damn business.

My point is, we never know what's going on in someone else's life. Everyone has a story and is going through something, no matter how big or small it may be. Couples who are experiencing infertility issues do not need that question shot at them, and you never know who falls into this category. Please, just don't ask. Instead, ask how they're doing. Or how their grandfather's chemo treatments are going. Or anything at all that shows love and compassion rather than some nacho business question. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Phew. *steps off soapbox*
As women, we tend to be sensitive and I am no exception (which probably is what sparked this post in the first place). Let's be cognizant of this fact and support one another. If you're going through something hard right now, I'd love to be there for you. Maybe all I can do is pray, but that's a pretty powerful thing. Send me an email and I'd be honored to be part of your support system. Because at the end of the day, that love and support is what we're all here to share.

xo, Britt