5 working from home tips to boost productivity

When I tell people that I work from home, they usually think I'm referring to blogging or being a stay-at-home-mom. While both of those jobs definitely take around the clock work, I have a position as a stylist with Snap+Style in which I work specific hours and answer to a legit boss. It's part time and I'm lucky enough to work from home on the iPad, which most people consider to be "livin' the dream". And they'd be right.

It's hard, however, to get motivated when your boss is 1,500 miles away and Bachelor in Paradise comes on in the middle of your shift. Add a three year-old begging for "MORE MAC N CHEESE", your grandma calling six times in a row, the cat throwing up on your laptop, and the temptation of taking a nap on the couch while you put your sixteen year old neighbor in charge of this total sh*t show. While it's definitely awesome to work on the couch in yoga pants everyday, motivation is something that's hard to come by. I still struggle to find mine some days, but I'll share what's worked for me so far.

photos by Diamond Oak Photography

hair tie bracelets | laptop | laptop case | sunnies | banana leaf notebook

1. Pretend like you're actually going into the office. The days I get dressed, put on makeup, and look not like a homeless person are the days I'm most productive. Taking pride in my appearance helps me take pride in my work; funny how those go hand in hand.

2. Choose a dedicated workspace. When I'm working at my stylist job, I'm always in the big chair in our living room. It's comfy, I'm sitting up and not as tempted to take a nap, and I can still manage the house and keep an eye on Bear. Try several spaces until you find what works best for you and your productivity.

3. Get the crap out. Oh man, you will go crazy if you stay in your house all.day.long. It's good for your mind, body, and sanity to drive to the nearest Starbucks and switch it up a little. The pictures above were taken at one of my favorite brunch spots in The Woodlands, Levure Bakery. I love going there when I'm overwhelmed at home to sip a yummy vanilla latte, people watch, and bum off the free wifi.

4. Hide your phone. When I'm getting ready to sit in my big brown chair and work, I make sure and leave my phone charging in our bedroom. If I have my phone beside me, I'm way too tempted to waste time on social media and check my Facebook every ten minutes. You wouldn't be on your phone constantly if you were in the actual office and your boss was walking around monitoring. Treat your home workspace with the same regard. The less distractions, the better.

5. Have a definitive finishing time. This applies more to my blogging than it does styling, but I absolutely have to set a finishing time for myself everyday or I would work all evening and in to the night. Once you get used to working from home, it's really easy to let your work life bleed over into your personal life. Maintaining a boundary is important for both halves of the equation. 


My friend Aimey of Diamond Oak Photography shot these photos with me for Bela Bracelets, my newest jewelry obsession. It's way too hot in Houston to have your hair down for more than three minutes, so I always have a hair tie around my wrist. Bela Bracelets disguise the little black band so beautifully, no-one even knows you're sporting a hair tie on your wrist. They come in gold, silver, and rose gold; my favorite design is the scalloped pattern here
A big thank you to Bela Bracelets for sponsoring this post! As always, all opinions are my own. 

Wishing you all a fun, special weekend!
xo, Britt