NYFW day three

dress| shoes | similar bag | similar necklace (borrowed from Margret!)

Sunday was a pretty somber day in the city. Being the 15th anniversary of 9/11, you could definitely feel a peace over the city; there was a comforting calmness as everyone was slowing down a bit to pay their respects to those lives lost and affected by the September 11th tragedy. It was my second year in a row being in NYC on that day and it was overwhelmingly emotional both times. More than anything, I felt so proud to be in a city, and nation, that has carried on and continued to thrive despite the horrors and tragedy inflicted upon it. No matter how much we continue to flourish as a country, we will never forget.

Dede, Shelbi, Margret, and I woke up early to get ready and head for Big Gay Ice Cream where we met Lauren to shoot some outfits. She was an absolute dream to work with and I can't wait to show you guys the pictures! I have them already (she's lightening fast) and will post them next week. After shooting with Lauren, we headed back to the hotel to put on comfy clothes and grab some lunch. Dede, Shelbi, and I went straight to Shake Shack where the line was surprisingly short and we devoured burgers and fries like nobody's business. Dede went back to the hotel and Shelbi and I decided to do some exploring around the city. We only had a few hours, so we walked around Times Square and stopped in the Hershey's store and Radio City Music Hall. We also fandangled some purses with a guy on the street corner but that's another story (and a really good one, too). 

At 3pm, we headed to the Caravan Stylist Studio for complementary hair and makeup appointments. Our stylist was a bit blunt, for lack of a better word, but really talented. When we told her we're from Houston her exact response was "Oh god, I hate that place". Still getting used to the whole no-nonsense New Yorker thing. She did a great job on my makeup, I especially loved the eyes, and she gave Shelbi a really fun crown braid. The stylist was heading to do hair and makeup for Nanette Lepore right after us so we felt pretty special that we came first ;). She sent us off with big goody bags full of beauty products, so we were happy girls.

After hair and makeup, we ran back to the hotel and shot a couple of outfits while we were all done up. Our hotel was right across the street from Moynihan Station, so we had endless photo opportunities and celebrities were all over the place. Our room was on the 16th floor with great views of the city, and it was so fun to look down and see the waves of fashionistas coming in and out of the venue. After pictures, we grabbed Dede and Riane and went to the Rosenthal Tee show. It was located at the pier and not only was the sunset stunning as we were arriving, but the show itself was to die for. The pieces were feminine, flowy, and so beautiful. From there, we went to dinner at The Smith which was my favorite meal of the trip. If you're ever there, you've gotta order the mac n cheese skillet. I don't know what kind of crack they put in that stuff but it is amazing. From The Smith we went back to the hotel, changed into our LAKE jammies, and called it a night.

I'll be back with one last NYFW recap on Sunday! It's been fun for me to relive the trip through these posts and I hope you've enjoyed them, too!
xo, Britt

p.s. About this look: I would not normally wear this dress, or several others I donned last week, except at NYFW. This is definitely a risque piece for me as a momma to wear, but NYFW is all about taking risks and playing up trends (the deep V neck was all over the runways). And thank you to sweet Margret for letting me borrow your lariat necklace!

p.p.s. Funny story real quick- several photographers asked to take my photo in this look and one of them pulled out his pen and notepad after, asking "Excuse me miss, who are you wearing?" really loud where everyone around could hear. It felt like total crickets as my face turned the color of my dress and I answered, "Forever 21". Thank goodness he was super nice and just smiled saying, "Well that's awesome! Especially with the Chanel bag". Despite his kind response, it was a bit embarrassing. Next year I will be leaving the el cheapos at home, no matter how much I love them.