a letter to Bear

my sweater | jeans | boots 
Bear's sweater | jeans | boots

photos by Ling Wang Photography

To my sweet, silly Bear:
I can't believe that November 2017 is here which means you will be FIVE years old this month! Where has the time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was holding your squishy newborn self in my arms, completely in love and unable to deny your striking resemblance to your Daddy. I'm somehow even more in love now, and with each passing day I only feel the pride I have for you growing. I'm so proud to be your Mommy- I watch you playing with your friends, being kind and giving, and it melts my heart to see your sweet soul shining through. You say the funniest things and nothing gets past you- you're the most observant little human I've ever known. You keep your Daddy and I laughing (and on our toes) and we both adore you more than I could ever explain in words.

You cannot wait to meet your baby brother and refer to him as "my baby", kissing my tummy all throughout the day. When your friend Elliott was disappointed to be getting a baby sister, you kindly offered to share your baby brother with him (already trying to pawn brother off, perhaps?). You are crazy about your cousins and would rather go see them, and your grandparents, in Roscoe than go anywhere else in the world. You love your friends at school and in the playgroup, too, and while you play well independently, you're happiest surrounded by other children. Your face lights up when you see one of your buddies and you'd follow them to the ends of the earth because you're loyal and still so innocent. I never want you to grow up and even though I know you will, your round little four-year old face is forever frozen in my mind. Even when you're a Daddy yourself someday, I have a feeling I'll still see you just the same as I do now.

I hope someday you'll look back and fondly remember all the fun times we're having- trips to the pumpkin patch, meeting friends at the zoo, evenings playing at the park. It's all for you...everything your Daddy and I work for is to try and give you all the happiness you deserve. I cuddled you on the bed the other evening and told you a little secret, something to remember after your baby brother comes. While I'll love both of you endlessly, you are the one who made me a Mommy. You are my first born, the one who's heartbeat I first felt right by my own. You are the greatest gift I've ever been given and I thank God every day for giving you to Daddy and me. I love you so much, Bear Clayton. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
xo, Mommy