motherhood reflections

my shirt | shorts | shoes | bag | sunnies | necklace
Bear's shirt | shorts | shoes 

Being a mom to a rowdy four year old boy has it's challenges but the truth is, I wouldn't trade this job for the world. Does my child act up from time to time? Of course. Does he make colossal messes on the daily? Definitely. Does he eat two bites of supper most nights only to beg for a snack twenty minutes later? Every. single. time. But despite all of the challenges parenthood brings, there is no greater joy than raising a child. I love Bear with everything I have and I'm so lucky to be his Mommy. I'm so very thankful for Zach, too, and it's amazing watching him be such a great Daddy to our little boy. I make mistakes all the time but at the end of the day, Bear knows how much I love him (I only tell him 87 times a day) and that's what really matters.

Age one was trying times around the Fullwood household. Bear started walking at ten months (crawling at six) so he was on the move and into everything. We had three emergency room visits that year but luckily made it out with quick fixes thanks to trusty glue. Let's just say Bear liked to dance on the coffee table and that's never a good idea (at any age). I stopped breastfeeding at 15 months which was surprisingly easy breezy- we were both done by that point and didn't have any problems at all with the weaning process. I felt a little guilty being glad it was over but since Bear wouldn't take a bottle at all, it was very confining never being able to be away for more than a couple hours. Don't get me wrong, I loved nursing and "the bond" really is a very special, indescribable thing. All in all age one was full of fun!

Age two was a little less eventful but just as adventuresome. Bear started talking a little after his second birthday- like, really talking- and he hasn't stopped since. He was crazy about Thomas the Train, Yo Gabba Gabba, and started his love for drawing. At two years old he could already draw better than his mother (which isn't saying a lot)- he'd draw characters that looked so much like the real thing and amazed Zach and me. He definitely got that talent from his Daddy.

Age three was a bittersweet year, as Bear started Mother's Day Out at the church by our house right around his third birthday. He started going two days a week for five hours and loved it- I was amazed at how much he thrived and all the friends he made. He loved going to school and I loved the little break. We went to Wet 'n Wild Splashtown for the first time that summer and Bear became a bigger water baby than ever. 

Age four has definitely been the most difficult in the parenting department as our little man has developed more and more of a personality and now likes to test the waters at times. He's still super sweet and loves his hamster, Hammy, too much at times (thank goodness Hammy is the nicest hamster on the planet and hasn't bit Bear despite all the squeezing). Bear loved his MDO class again this year and looked forward to going every Tuesday and Thursday. He's a very social little boy- there's nothing he loves more than seeing his friends and cousins! Give him a Sonic "grilled cheese, french fries, ketchup, chocolate milk, and a toy" (his go-to Wacky Pack order) and he's a happy camper.

There are so many more milestones I could add into each of those years but it would quickly turn this blog post into a novel! 

The years are passing entirely too quickly and I can't believe that we'll have a FIVE year old later this year. Makes me want to cry! I'm holding on to four as long as I can because I know I'll blink and the next four years will be just a memory. One thing is for sure, no matter how much times passes, Bear will always be my baby boy. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
xo, Britt