never say never

romper | similar bag | shoes | earrings | sunnies

photos by Ban Avenue

So today, I did a thing. Not a big thing...not a life changing thing...just a small thing. I had my hair colored for the first time ever. For me, it was kind of a big deal. But to most girls, that's just part of the bi-monthly routine. Obviously the pictures above were taken pre-hair treatment (more like three weeks-ish ago and I'm fiiiiinally getting around to posting them), but I posted pics & videos on my Insta story if you're curious for a sneak peek. Anyway, you may be wondering why I was so hesitant to get my hair colored or highlighted as almost every girl I know has done it at some point in her life. To tell you the truth, I can't give a good answer to that question. My Mom is partially to blame, as she always begged me never to dye my hair (sorry, Mom). But as the years passed, I think I just held onto the statement "I've never colored my hair" and felt as if "I've never done it, so why change that now?". 

Growing up, I never missed a single day of school. From the time I started kindergarten until the end of my senior year of high school, I never had a single unexcused absence. I never really got sick and my parents were both teachers so playing hooky wasn't an option. It was the same type of situation: with each passing year I thought, "I've never missed a day, so I can't miss one now". Except the joke was on me because I did end up missing a day of school at the end of my senior year. We took a senior trip to Scotland and England (through the school- our English teacher was the head chaperone) and even though it was a school trip, our last day wasn't an excused absence. All that work and I missed one stupid day right at the very end of my senior year. It kind of put things in perspective for me and made me realize that it's okay to live a little every once in a while. Sometimes having an attitude of "I've never ____ so I can't change now" can hold you back more than truly accomplishing anything. That's not to say that perfect attendance in school is a bad thing....I'm more referring to the hair coloring situation. ;)

Sometimes it's better to step outside of our comfort zones- to challenge ourselves to new heights and to do things we've never tried before. I don't want to hold on to the "never" mentality in life; if we all thought that way about everything, how incredibly boring and routine this life would be. Instead of thinking "I've never, so I won't", I want to start the mindset of "I haven't yet, but I'm going to". After all, in the end, we do not regret the things we've done, but those we did not do. Pretty profound thinking that started with some measly hair highlights, I realize. Next thing you know, I'll be bungee jumping off a skyscraper or swimming with sharks in the Maldives. Okay fat chance, but at least I'm not saying "never".
xo, Britt