taylor swift concert

Last Saturday, my girl Shelbi and I attended the Taylor Swift concert here in Houston at NRG Stadium and had the most epic girls’ night ever. When Fujifilm reached out to me to try out their new install SQ6 camera and have floor seats at the concert, I nearly fell out of my chair in excitement. I’ve always wanted to see Taylor in concert and she was every bit as amazing as I thought she’d be. This blog post isn’t sponsored- I was required to do an Instagram post only but we had such an amazing time that I wanted to tell all about it on the blog! So thank you to Fujifilm for giving us the best night ever. Telling all about it below!

We started the evening with dinner at one of our very favorite spots, Tiny’s No. 5, before heading to the concert and lucking out by getting free $30 parking (we didn’t realize it was a cash only lot and had no cash- but the lady let us go in anyway free of charge). We knew then it was gonna be a good night! Right away, we bumped into one of our good friends, Margret, at Will Call and all headed to our seats. Camila Cabello was opening for Taylor and she was amazing- we weren’t in our seats yet but could hear her as we walked around the stadium checking out the Fujifilm stations (and concession stands…duh).

While we were told we’d have floor seats, Shelbi and I were actually at the very bottom of the first level, right above the floor. We actually preferred where we were to floor seats because we could see so well and were so close to the stage, but a group of about 10 of our friends were in a cabana-like thing on the floor, and about halfway through the concert we wanted to join them. Shelbi led the way and I followed- we walked past security like we owned the place (or Shelbi did and I just tried to blend in) and made it to where our friends were watching. Our friends and Lance Freaking Armstrong, might I add. That creepy selfie pictured above? That’s Lance Armstrong and his long-time girlfriend, Anna. They were in the cabana with us, just a few feet behind us, the entire time. Our group of girls all sang, danced, and screamed our way through the entire 2 hours and it was an absolute blast.

I was blown away not only by the incredible production of it all, but by the raw and refreshing talent that Taylor Swift holds compared to most pop stars today. Not only can the girl sing and dance impressively, but she also grabbed her guitar and played a couple of acoustic songs by herself mid-concert. Then she sat down at a piano and played another song, showcasing just how talented she really is. All while looking flawless with bouncy curls and exuding her signature sweet personality. If I hadn’t already been a Taylor fan, she definitely would’ve won me over Saturday night. The show was out of this world and now I have the concert itch- already trying to figure out who we can see next! I would LOVE to be seeing Paul McCartney at ACL this weekend but we can’t make it- will any of you be there?! Gonna be one for the books, I’m sure.

Hope your week is off to a great start!
xo, Britt