polka dots

dress | sunnies | boots | bag

Hi, friends! Just checking in because it’s been a week since my last post here which is the longest I’ve gone in awhile without writing on the blog. I blame it on Vegas- it was a trip for the books. We returned safely home in one piece Monday evening, but have been in a bit of a post-travel funk ever since. We are all sick with nasty colds (and a stomach bug for me), so it’s been a long week and it’s only Wednesday! Looking forward to the weekend and cooler weather that’s headed our way. Anyone else in Texas excited for the cool front?!

It was surprisingly cool while we were in Vegas- on our last day they actually closed the pool because the life guards were all sitting on their stands shivering. Bear didn’t care- he’d swim in cold water during a snow storm. He just loves it! Our reason for going was that I had a blogger retreat and Zach was on Dad duty for the weekend- I had the best time & the boys did, too! What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas when you’re a blogger, so I’ll be recapping all the fun soon :).

Polka dots are one of my favorite trends right now and while sometimes the print feels a bit too “young” for this 31 year old mama, a classic black and white color scheme keeps them modern and fresh. You can’t go wrong with black and white! Speaking of, I’ve been getting a lot of requests to find Mackenzie Childs dupes. Are you a fan of the bold black and white decor? I love it but don’t own any…thinking I need to get a piece or two and will certainly do my best to find dupes. I’ve had to stop myself from buying any more fall decor because we still have boxes all over our dining area and our garage looks like a Goodwill store. Hoping to get everything donated/sold in the next few weeks so we can have fun with holiday decor! And by “we” I mean “me”, because my boys couldn’t care less.

Hope you’re all having a great week and thank you for stopping by!
xo, Britt