checking in


Just a quick hello to say that we're still alive and well over here! My Mom snapped these pictures when she was in town about a month ago, a week after Boone was born, and I'm just now getting around to posting them. I knew it would take a bit to get back in the swing of things and find a routine and I'm not rushing it. I do love consistency in our lives and having a plan, but that kind of goes out the window with a newborn and I'm doing my best to find a balance between work and motherhood. Motherhood is always going to come first and I"m thankful that you all understand and support that. 

Easter was the best one yet for our family since there's a new little bunny in town! We drove back home to west Texas and saw our families for the weekend; it was bittersweet when the weekend was over because we're always ready to get back home and in our own beds, but it's also sad to say goodbye to our parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and nephews. We miss them already and are looking forward to our next trip home in May! Last weekend, we got in really late Friday night and spent the day with Zach's family on Saturday. The cousins hunted eggs, we pigged out on the best BBQ, and Boone met a ton of his relatives who took turns holding and loving on him. Bear had a blast with his cousins and was so dirty by the end of the night, I wasn't sure we'd ever wash all the dirt off of him. That's the sign of a good time! Sunday we went to church with my parents, had lunch with my family, did another big egg hunt, and spent the evening with Zach's family. Monday morning we got up and drove back to Houston, so it was a very quick trip indeed. Did I mention we made the 8 hour drive with a 5 year old, a newborn, and a puppy? #crazy. Oh and a big thank you to Mrs. Allen for coming over and snuggling on Boone while we were home. We love you!

This week is really busy as we have events, photo shoots, t-ball season started yesterday, and there's something exciting in the works that I promise to tell you about very soon. We have a lot on our plate right now but it's all positive and we are thankful for adventures to come.
Hope you all had the best Easter! Thank you for stopping by.
xo, Britt