growing my heart

my dress (use code brittanyf for 20% off your order)- Silaa Co.
botanical B- Custom Botanique
Boone's jumper
Elephant rocker- Lilly Pulitzer & Pottery Barn Kids

photos by Ban Avenue Photography

When I first found out we were expecting, of course I was overjoyed because we'd been trying for a little over a year and knew we wanted to expand our family. Soon after, however, I started to wonder just what it would be like to love another human in the same way I love Bear. After 5 years of giving him my constant love and attention, I wondered how much I'd have left to give another child and if my heart could split between the two. It didn't stress me out, but the thought was in the back of my mind for months and it wasn't until Boone was born that I got my answer.

The moment baby Boone was placed on my chest, I felt an overwhelming emotion of pride and joy and happiness all in one. It's impossible to explain the euphoria of it, really, but I know I will never forget that moment with either of my boys. If there's a feeling of heaven on Earth, that moment has to be it (followed closely by eating Nutella crepes at the Eiffel Tower but that's beside the point and now I'm hungry). When I held our new baby, our second-born, my heart didn't feel torn at all. In fact, it grew. Sounds cliche, but I didn't realize until holding Boone in my arms that my heart could love two little humans that much. 

I feel so thankful to be these boys' Mommy and while my heart wants to explode on a daily basis when they do something cute or funny, I also take this parenting role very seriously. I'm trying to do "special things" with Bear often so he doesn't feel left out with the new baby, and cuddle Boone as much as I can because this newborn stage is so sweet and fleeting. It's a juggling act, for sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way. These boys are my greatest gift and I will forever be finding ways to let them know just that. Between all the dirty diapers and 37 King Kong toys mysteriously put in our Amazon cart yesterday (any guesses on the culprit?), our life is somewhat of a circus currently. But it's our circus, and I love it.
xo, Britt